Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Complete 180

...or 360 if you're reading this, Jason Kidd.

This week started out pretty tough. Maybe I was just tired from my busy weekend. Maybe I was just hormonal. Whatever the reason, I took a few setbacks a little too seriously early in the week. But, it's now the end of the week and things are looking up.

Let's start with the Cake Challenge. I've been trying to finalize a few details like getting an emcee, the last judge, and obtaining firm cost quotes. Finally, those issues have been resolved. Newspapers are starting to print the press release and registrations are coming in. We're on our way!

Then there was my knee. After my walk on Monday I was convinced there was something wrong. The doctor didn't say too much yesterday. Told me to take ibuprofen and gave me a paper describing some exercises. He put in a request to my insurance for an MRI, but it's not likely that he'll have to order one. I did, however, go to book club last night and Christine, my physical therapist friend, gave me a complete, thorough consultation. She knows her stuff and I felt better having her see my knee rather than just describing my symptoms to her over the phone or email. Because I clearly do not know my stuff. She diagnosed me with a slightly torn LCL. It should heal completely in 4-6 months, but after doing her exercises, moderate walking, and icing every night, I should feel significantly less discomfort in 4-8 weeks.

So, I'm feeling better about everything today. And the icing on the cake? The big buy-out of the Michael Scott Paper Company. Finally, Charles Minor is out and Michael, Pam and Ryan are back where they belong--at Dunder Mifflin Scranton. Oh, what a relief!

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited! I could not take Charlie one more week!
