Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Brand New Me

I got my hair cut yesterday. I really needed a change. I really wanted a change. I went to a new salon and told the stylist to cut my hair to compliment my features and face shape. My friend Erika says that was so brave, but I don't really think so. It's just hair. Every time I tell a stylist what I want, I'm never happy. And every time I show them a picture, it never looks the way I think it will. So, I just left it in the hands of the professional. I'm happy with the result and, unless everyone at preschool this morning was just being kind, my friends like it, too.
You're probably wondering what in the world this all has to do with the 3-Day. Well, let me tell you. I think this style is going to work well for the event. Since I read in the walker handbook that there is no electricity at camp, I've been worried about missing my hairdryer. Not for my vanity, but because I don't like to go to bed with a wet head and my hair takes forever to dry. Used to take forever to dry, that is.

(Plus this is a good picture of me and I wanted to post it. Any my hair will probably never look like this again because I'm no good at hairstyling.)


  1. Oh, I love it! And thank God you've solved that hair dilemma.

  2. Love it!! So cute and playful!!!

  3. OH SARA...I LOVE IT!!! It is soooo cute!!
