Thursday, May 7, 2009


Tuesday I went for my first MRI. I didn't even know what an MRI was, so I didn't give much thought on what to expect. And I don't mean how it works. I know I will never be able to wrap my head around how a magnet can produce an image of the inside of me. Kind of the way I don't know how sound was able to show me a picture of my unborn babies. How do people come up with this stuff? What I meant is that I didn't know how long it would take and how weird the whole experience would be.

When I scheduled the test, the receptionist asked me a bunch of questions regarding body piercings, pacemakers, and permanent dental work. She never once asked me if I'd be bringing a child along or that it would be a good idea if I didn't. Thank goodness I talked my mother before I went or Matthew would have been tearing up the place for the hour and a half I was there. I scheduled the test for early in the morning, right after I took Elizabeth to school, so that I'd have to worry about just one kid while I had the test done. To my credit, I knew an MRI was more involved than an x-ray, but I was thinking it was more like those x-rays you get at the orthodontist. You know, the one that turns around your head for like 30 seconds and you're done. I didn't realize I'd have to wait 45 minutes in the waiting room and then sit still for more than a half hour. What if I had taken Matthew with me?

The test itself wasn't bad. They gave me ear plugs because the machine makes the most annoying sound over and over and over again. The coolest part by far is that they gave me blue scrubs to wear so I looked all Meredith Grey-y. Only not as dark and moody. I'm waiting for my doctor to call with the results.

I'm so glad I didn't see this before I went. It's quite an interesting slideshow. The photos of the big explosion happened in a hospital in Kennesaw, Georgia. I wonder if it's the hospital where my mother-in-law works....

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