Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day Zero

I'm back! We had a great trip and I have lots and lots to share with you. I'm going to take it day by day, so thanks in advance for your patience.

We left for our road trip on Thursday. We were so excited to get on our way!
It was a little tough leaving our families behind. Especially when Matthew was crying so hard when I left. But we felt a lot better when we started to realize how much easier a road trip is without children. It's about a six hour drive to San Diego and we had this little guy to lead us there.Good thing because we didn't have a detailed map and I don't know how to navigate using an iPhone very well. Heck, I didn't even know how to use an iPhone at all. I'm so enlightened now. Jennifer decided a little too late (like on the drive home) that this bear should have been our Flat Stanley. He would have seen so many places! Oh well. He did see all the sights on the way there.

Like arriving in Cali.

And going through the three border check-points even though we never left the United States. Thank goodness they didn't search the car and find my giant duffle bag or we would have been detained for sure.
We also saw lots of sand dunes that resembled the Sahara...or Tatooine. (Yeah, that's right. I Googled it.)
And a small wind farm. I just love these things, although this one isn't nearly as impressive as the one on the way to Los Angeles.
We arrived in Del Mar right around 5:00 and it was already starting to get dark. It was a fun trip and we were fortunate to gain an extra hour. But next time I'm stopping in Dateland for a date shake! After our "team dinner" at Soup Plantation (which is the California name for Sweet Tomatoes, apparently), we tried to get some sleep because our wake-up call was at 4:30. Jennifer slept well but I was up until about 1:00. I was a little anxious about the next three days.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

See you later!

Well, I'm off. Just me, Jennifer and our giant duffles. I promise to have lots of pictures to show you when I get back!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Time to Pack

My parents came into town yesterday, and I was so happy to see them! They're going to watch the kids while Brian's at work and probably help him out a bit so that he doesn't get too overwhelmed during the nearly five days I'll be away. The kids are excited that Gramma and Pap Pap are here so hopefully they won't think about Mommy too much. Elizabeth gets a little sad when she thinks about me leaving (and so do I), but this trip will probably go very fast. We'll both have a lot to keep us busy.

Mom and I walked five miles this morning for my very last training walk. Now, 507 miles later, it's finally time to pack. I've got everything all set to go. Each day's clothes are in a separate Zip-lock bag to keep it from getting even the slightest bit wet from dew and/or rain. All my toiletries are lined up on the counter. I have the sleeping bag, air mattress and other camping gear ready. I have the biggest duffle bag you've ever seen to put everything in! I hope it weighs less than 35 pounds after everything is packed inside. I'm crossing my fingers.

Yesterday, I got my hands on one of the pink tents used in the Breast Cancer 3-Day. Apparently they donate some of the tents to Girl Scouts after the event. Well, it just so happens that I'm a leader so I put in a request and I got one. I picked it up yesterday and we set it up in the back yard to see how much room Jennifer and I will have and if the air mattress will fit. It's not the Taj Mahal, but it's a pretty good size. Here it is without the rainfly.

So tomorrow we're off. Nine months of training and fundraising is coming to an end. It's been an effort and fun at the same time so far. I'm confident our experience this weekend will be a blast! Or at least memorable.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Last Training Walk/Breakfast

I have some catching up to do. Thursday morning I walked 3 miles. I didn't get to walk yesterday because there was too much going on with a PTO fundraiser I organized. But we did walk today.

This morning was our last weekend training walk and breakfast. We walked 8 miles and ate probably 800 calories. Seems fair.

In four short days we will be heading to San Diego for the big event. I can't believe it's here already. I took on the challenge nine months ago and somehow this weekend has snuck up on me. There's still a lot to get ready. I'm going to the sports store later today to get another pair of shoes and a bag for all my gear. Then I think I'll have everything I need. I just have to round it all up and pack it. I really hope I don't forget anything important.

My next and last official training walk is set for Tuesday and I have to walk 5 miles. I think I'll be doing a little more walking this week because I have to break in a new pair of shoes. I need to get a lot more rest this week somehow because I've had a sore throat the past three days. I need that to go away!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Withdrawal Symptoms

Geez! Is it Thursday yet? I feel like taking a long walk today. Maybe after dinner....

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Back on Track

This morning I woke up at 5:45 and was out the door before 6 am. Ahhh. Just like the old days. I walked 4 miles around the neighborhood and it took me a little over 57 minutes. It was pretty chilly out this morning so that always makes me walk faster. It felt great. I'm already looking forward to my 6-mile Thursday morning walk. And no, I'm not being sarcastic. Seriously!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Two

We all walked to school this morning so I was able to get in another two miles to make up for my lazy (at least when it came to walking) weekend.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Forget about it. Just keep going.

When did I become a once-a-week poster? That stinks! I've still been walking; I just don't have time to write about it.

Last Tuesday I did 4 miles. I can't remember when or how. It's been that kind of week. On Thursday I did 6 miles. I woke up early and walked 3 before Brian left. Then I drove Elizabeth to school and Matthew and I walked another 3 miles. We even stopped at the park in the middle of those 3 miles because he's such a sport about the riding he has to do in the stroller that's probably a little too small for him. We were going to walk to school that morning, but Elizabeth had a walking field trip that morning and running club that afternoon so I didn't want to tire her out prematurely. Speaking of running club, my girl can run! I'm so proud. I don't know how long they run, but she gets in at least six laps each time. That's 2 miles! And she's six! I'm secretly hoping she stays interested. She's inspiring me. I think I'm going to give running a try after the 3-Day.

So that was Thursday. Friday was the fall festival at her school and I was there to set up at 12:30. We got home at 8:30. Except when I sat down to eat dinner with my family, I was on my feet for 8 hours. I don't know how many miles I did that day. But I did plenty.

No training walks on Saturday, but tonight I walked around my neighborhood for 4 miles. I was supposed to do 18 and 8 this weekend, but 4 is just going to have to do. Maybe we'll walk to school tomorrow to make up some miles. Or maybe we won't.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What a Week!

Last week was full of deadlines. There were school fundraising fliers to create. Newsletters to be written. Halloween costumes to be gathered. Pumpkins to be carved. I really wish I could do all that, walk, and write about it at the same time, but I can't. I've never been good at multitasking. And then we had a cold snap for a few days that caused me to not want to get out of bed. And I know what you're saying. Oh, come on. How many times did we hear about the oppressive heat and now she's complaining about the frigid cold? I know. I know. But I never used the word frigid and, truth be told, I'd rather be hot than cold. So maybe it's a good thing I live here. And even though I did complain about the heat, I still walked. Now that it's colder and darker in the mornings, it's harder to get moving.

So last week, I walked 3 miles on Tuesday. I skipped Thursday because it was like 40 degrees or something and I just knew I'd never get six miles in. But I walked 7 miles on Saturday and 8 miles on Sunday. Good enough, I say!

The 3-Day is just two and a half weeks away! Jennifer and I are getting ready. Instead of flying to San Diego, we're going on a road trip. Hilarious post to come, I'm sure. Great. Now we're committed to doing something funny. The pressure! Jennifer made our hotel reservations and I bought the outfits for our shtick. Our slogan is "Cooking Up a Cure" because we're both into baking, cooking, and entertaining. So we found some aprons on Etsy that are appropriate for the event and reflect our personalities. We're going to wear these as we walk 60 miles.

To get your own, visit Sassy Apron. The artist is from Gilbert and every apron she makes is gorgeous! I may even buy a full apron to not walk 60 miles in.