Friday, July 3, 2009

Settling in

Yesterday, I walked 4 miles in 62 minutes.

It feels so good to have your workout done by 7 am! Sure, it was a little hard to roll out of bed at 5:30 the first couple of times, especially the days when I walked alone, but now 3 weeks into this training program, I'm hitting my stride. (Sorry. That was so lame.) When the alarm goes off I practially jump out of bed, get dressed, pull my water bottle out of the fridge (which I try to remember to fill the night before), go outside, turn on the Garmin, put on my Road ID, wait for the Garmin to find its signal, and I'm ready to walk. The whole process takes less than ten minutes and I impress myself with my speed and efficiency. I'm sure as the mileage goes up and up and I have to wake up earlier and earlier, it will likely get harder and harder. But for now, I'm really enjoying my walks and I look forward to them.

What I'm not into is this 30 minutes of cross-training business on Fridays. And next week, I'm supposed to add 15 minutes on Wednesday. I just like to walk. That's it. Isn't that enough?

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