Saturday, June 20, 2009

I love walking!

Hey, I finally found a sport I'm relatively good at. I don't like team sports--too much pressure. I don't like going to the gym--too many hardbodies to intimidate me and the smells are too much to bear. But walking, there's something I can do! I just open the door and go. No equipment is needed (well, the Garmin helps, but it's not necessary), and even if I'm away on vacation, I can walk. Sure, a gym membership would give me access to a treadmill, but that is so boring. I don't even think I could walk on a treadmill for more than 30 minutes, let alone a couple of hours. Plus, I wouldn't be able to see the world.

This morning I walked four miles in about an hour and ten minutes. My friend Dawn showed me a convenient way to get to the canal from our neighborhood. Chandler created the Paseo Trail along the canal, and it's a really pretty place to walk. There are a lot of people who use this portion of the trail so I feel safe and I get to people-watch. Plus, there's some wildlife. Every once in a while a fish jumps up in the canal, and today I was walking ten feet behind two hummingbirds for nearly five minutes. They were beautiful. The portion Jennifer and I walk on Sundays even has owls and llamas! When there's so much to look at, the time goes by faster. I can't wait to see San Diego!

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