Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tennis, Anyone?

That's my little tennis player. When Elizabeth was 4, I signed her up for a tiny tots tennis class at the beautiful, state-of-the-art community tennis center two miles from our house. I'm very happy to report that a year and a half later, she still enjoys tennis lessons. That's pretty good for a 5 year old, right? She's even planning her 6th birthday party with a tennis theme. I'm happy she enjoys it so much and it really is a lot of fun to go to the tennis center and see her out on the court. In fact, it looks like so much fun that I want to go out there and play, too. Sadly, I'm about on the kids' level.

She showed interest in tennis right after Jennifer and I took an adult beginners class two years ago. It was fun and when I see the adult class now, I wish I was in it again. Thirty-three isn't too old to learn how to play tennis. If I start learning with her now, we'll be on the same level and be good competition for each other, right? Maybe someday we can be in a mother-daughter doubles tournament. Wait. I'm getting ahead of myself here. First I need to re-enroll in the beginners class this fall or winter. Anyone want to join me? And I mean you, the one person who reads this blog.

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm not the only one who reads your blog. You have two followers. I think about tennis off and on. And I also think about the time I almost hit Elizabeth in the head with a flying return. Maybe that was her inspiration! I would do it again. Just make me.
