Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Slacking Off

Our family took an impromptu mini-vacation over the weekend and it threw off my walking schedule a bit. After reading the newspaper on Thursday, I decided I wanted to get out of the heat and visit the White Mountains. A small town called Snowflake was celebrating Pioneer Days (a Mormon holiday commemorating the arrival of the first pioneer settlers to the Salt Lake Valley on June 24, 1847). They advertised a huge arts and crafts festival, a community BBQ, and a rodeo. I researched hotels, made a reservation, and we left early Saturday morning.

It wasn't as cool during the day as I'd hoped it would be. Although it was 20 degrees cooler there, 95 degrees is still hot. But it was nice and cool at night when we went to the rodeo and watched the fireworks. I had never been to a rodeo before, and it was really a lot of fun!

Because we were planning on leaving early Saturday morning, I went for my 6 mile walk on Friday morning. I was supposed to walk another five miles on Sunday, but that didn't happen. We did go on a 1.5 mile hike and we did a lot of walking on Saturday. So, let's just call it nearly even.

This morning, I was all set to walk 3 miles, but it was storming. Storming! Yes, really. So, I plan on making up those three miles tomorrow morning.

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