Saturday, August 8, 2009

So Much Excitement

I walked 8 miles this morning in 2 hours and 3 minutes. I really wanted to get it over with so I walked as fast as I could. I probably would have made it in 2 hours if I didn't have to stop three times to get rocks out of my shoes.

This morning's walk was very exciting. The first thing I want to mention is that it was chilly this morning. When I opened the front door at 5:15, I was actually cold. Not until about a half mile was I warm. I think that's why my pace was so fast. I was just trying not to freeze.

About a mile into my walk, though, I had to take a little detour because there was a dog up ahead. Now normally, I'd just keep on walking and pass the dog with no fear, but since I've been reading The Survivors Club by Ben Sherwood, I was first convinced it was a coyote. Then I thought it might be a fox. In any case, I couldn't get the chapter devoted to the woman who had her face ripped off by a mountain lion out of my head. I just turned around and walked over to the other side of the canal. You know...because dogs or coyotes or foxes can't swim. I don't know. I guess I just figured the water between us would deter him if he wasn't all that hungry this morning.

Then at the halfway point, I could smell bacon from IHOP. I must convince Jennifer that we should take this route on a Sunday. Soon.

And finally, one of the perks to getting up so early and walking through your neighborhood on Saturdays is that you get to be the first to see garage sale merchandise. I saw a really nice umbrella and stand (the kind you put through a patio table) on my way back. As soon as I got home, I sent Brian to check it out and buy it. Now we have an umbrella. And he paid only $30 for it! Exciting indeed.