Sunday, September 27, 2009

Catching Up

So I have some catching up to do here....

On Thursday, I was supposed to walk 5 miles, but I ended up walking only three. I just couldn't will myself out of bed. The night before, my friends Jennifer, Jamie, and Kristin and I went to see Chuck Wicks in concert. Some of us a little more reluctantly than others. I won four tickets through an online contest! Now...I never win anything and, although it might seem a little superstitious, I was afraid that if I let them go to waste then I'd never win anything ever again. Besides, I checked out his website and a few of his videos on YouTube, and why wouldn't I want to go see him? His claim to fame is dancing with his real-life girlfriend, Julianne Hough, on Dancing with the Stars. But help the guy out a little and become a fan. He's good!

So the point of all that is that I was tired Thursday morning and didn't get up to walk. Matthew and I did walk Elizabeth to school and then around the neighborhood for a few miles, so I got in three. That's not five, but it's better than zero.

Saturday morning, Jennifer and I walked another 7 miles. We're really into walking new routes lately, so we walked some trails through a newer neighborhood in Chandler that didn't really get off the ground due to the housing market crash. There are beautiful entrances, playgrounds, and splash pads, but no houses around them. Phase one of the development has a lot of homes, but it looks like the other phases are waiting for a turnaround. The walk got the job done, but it was pretty bland.

This morning we walked 14.5 miles. Four and a half hours is a long time to walk. Thankfully Dunkin' Donuts, Einstein Bros. Bagels, and Joe's Farm Grill are all along our route.

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