Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I couldn't decide whether the title of this post should be Thank you, Lance Armstrong or Damn you, Lance Armstrong. So, I'll just let his motto speak for itself.

As I mentioned previously, I've been suffering from a cold. Although last night I set the alarm for 5:15 so I could get my four miles in, I figured I'd see how I felt in the morning. Well, how do you think I felt? I was tired. My head still hurt. I was still stuffy. I made the decision to just turn off the alarm and get some more rest. That's probably what my body needs anyway.

But then I couldn't get back to sleep. See, I just finished reading Lance Armstrong's book, It's Not about the Bike; it's all about his journey back to life after cancer. It's a great book, but I didn't find him particularly inspirational while I was reading it. (Though I'm reconsidering his effect on me now.) He's not the best person in the world. In fact, he's a cad. He's cocky. He's brash. He's why people hate Texans. He's kind of a momma's boy. And he has a big chip on his shoulder. But he's also something else. He's tenacious. He's resilient. He's just Lance Armstrong.

And this morning as I was trying to fall back to sleep, I kept hearing his voice. Sara, you're such skirt. I had cancer and I still went on six hour rides. What's wrong with you? Oh, you have a cold. Come on. Be a stud! Yes, he actually throws around words like skirt and stud. Whatever.

So I got up. I got dressed. I threw on my Live Strong cap and went awalkin'. And I'm probably better for it.

So I guess I can say it. Thanks, Lance Armstrong.

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