Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not so fast

Last night during Elizabeth's soccer practice, I walked around the fields. Or pitches, if you want to get technical. That sports complex in the evenings is like nothing I've seen. The sports complex itself is unbelievably massive and the amount of people playing and watching! I couldn't help thinking that I'm not in East Allegheny anymore. I don't know how many fields there are or how many games were going on, but let's just say that place was its own little city. What a gold mine that soccer league is!

In any case, I walked around for a while and logged 2 miles. My knee was starting to feel better, but it didn't feel good today. Because my training doesn't officially begin until June 9th, I think I'm going to take a break from the walking for a little bit. At least until my knee is all healed. I'm just so excited about the walk that I want to get out and walk. But, I have heard stories of people peaking too soon in their training and I don't want that to happen, either. I have a lot going on in terms of fundraising right now anyway, so I'll focus on that for a few weeks.


  1. Hi Sara, it is Christine. I really like your blog page, the colors are really great, well and the content is great also. :) Just wanted to say hang in there with the knee, walking over uneven surfaces (soccer field) is more challenging. Your knee will heal and you will do great on the walk. Oh and I love Dunkin' donuts so did the garage sale get rescheduled due to the rain this am? If so I will be there for the next one! hang in there!

  2. Thanks, Christine! Again, you put my mind at ease. I blame that Brian. There's a concrete pathway all around the fields but he told me to walk on the grass because it's softer and would be easier on my knee. It sounded reasonable at the time so I walked next to the path. Next time I'll stick to the path. :)
