Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Team Divided

The entire team got together last night. We talked about fundraising and I feel confident we can raise the money required to get us all to the walk. Everyone is very nice and they're a really fun bunch of ladies, but I was a little disappointed because it seems we're a team divided. Three members are having second thoughts and considering doing the walk in Phoenix. The rest of us still want to go to San Diego. The whole team doesn't have to walk together; we're allowed to split up so whatever they decide doesn't affect Jennifer and me too much. If the two of us have to go alone, we're still going to San Diego. We're a team of six and the tents at camp are two-person tents. If half of us do Phoenix and half of us do San Diego, I don't know whether two people will have to tent alone or with a stranger. But, that's for them to worry about, I suppose. I understand the other ladies' concerns about leaving the family behind for a weekend, but I've never, ever gone on a girls weekend anywhere. I've never gone with my friends to a spa for a few days or spent a weekend in Vegas or went on a shopping spree to New York. I figure this is my get-away. It just so happens that I'm raising money for a great cause and getting in shape at the same time. Sounds like a win-win-win to me!

1 comment:

  1. You would pick a 60 mile walk as your first getaway. We will need a spa weekend after that.
